猫狸vnp_____猫狸vnp____最新资讯:2021-5-31 · VPN-狸猫vpn全球网络加速器 2021年4月28日 - 谷歌商店线路最多VPN,超过20个国家地区,上百线路,提供高速稳定的服务器! 专设智能游戏加速节点,加速器会自动匹配最优线路,保证游戏流畅、不卡顿!

Bloomberg Technology news says that the commercial drone industry is predicted to grow to $127 Billion by 2024 – and the FAA testified before Congress that “90% of drone owners will be small businesses.” But how do businesses who need drone services – in industries like real estate, construction, surveying, events, and home inspection – find qualified small drone operators in their area?

That’s why we created JobForDrones. You can post a job, read reviews, ask providers for bids, and select the provider that’s best for you. If you’re a drone operator, you can create a profile, bid on jobs, and search jobs listed in your area.

Payment for the job happens after the job is completed, and is executed through our secure payment site.   JobForDrones charges 10% of the total job fee – after the job is completed.   It’s always free to post a job or to register as a qualified drone operator.

Get started by registering to be a JobForDrones customer, or register as a qualified drone service provider to find drone jobs.   Join hundreds of drone operators and customers already in the network to get your drone job done today – use JobForDrones to find the best drone for your job, or the best job for your drone.

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